
Meteors are tiny dust pieces that fall towards the Earth faster than a bullet. They are formed from the dust shed by the comets. The dust from the comets falls with a burning tail and thus they are sometimes also referred to as 'Shooting stars'. they look like starlight flying across the sky. the Barringer Crater in Arizona, USA was formed when a large meteorite struck the Earth.


Comets are huge balls of frozen rocks, dust and gas with a tail. They move in elliptical orbits 
which bring them close to the sun. They usually have two tail: Comets are classified into short or long period comets depending on how much time they take to orbit the Sun. Short period comets are found in the Kuiper belt while long period comets lie in the Oort cloud. Another type of comets are periodic comets appear at regular intervals. One of the most famous periodic comet is Halley comet which appear after every  76 years. It is named after an English Astronomer Edmund Halley.

Away In The Space

Our Universe consists of stars planets, moon, galaxies and other heavenly bodies scattered through out the space, University has no edge, it is infinite and it is very difficult to measure the distance between space. It travel between the two heavenly bodies. Thus scientists measure the distance between the heavenly bodies in light years. A light year is the distance travelled by light in one year  9.5km
