Diet Of Birds

Diet Of Birds

Birds like animals are divided into carnivores, herbivores and omnivores depending on their diet. Eagles Hawks are carnivores and they eat meat, Honeyeaters, parrots and Finches are herbivores and they feed mainly on the seeds, nectar and the fruits, Whereas some birds like starlings and Emus are omnivores as they eat both meat and plant. Birds play an important part in the environment as they eat both meat and plant. Birds play an important part in the environment. Birds of prey like Falcon, Eagle, etc. help in cleaning the carcasses of animals lying on the streets. 

Beak Of Birds

Each species  of bird has a beak. The shape of a beak helps them to catch their suited prey. Birds of  prey, such as Eagle and Hawks have sharp hooked beaks, which enable them to tear meat from the bones of dead animals. The wading birds like Curlews and Pelicans have long and sharp beaks, which help them to catch fish in the shallow lakes or ponds.  The  waterflows like Ducks, Geese, etc. Have spatula shaped beaks which enable them to dabble, building nest, cleaning feathers etc. 

Toucan’s Beak

The Toucan’s beak is its most prominent feature and is sometime as long as its body. Toucans use their beaks  for picking berries, for defending their territory  and for attracting females. Their beaks are shaped like honeycombs from inside, making them strong yet light weight.
