

Waxwings are plump birds found mostly in northern Europe, America and Asia.

These birds are smaller than starlings but often look very similar while flying. Waxwing has a prominent crest. They have a reddish brown body with yellow tipped tail. These birds make high pitched  sound like a bell. These birds feed mainly on berries and can be easily spotted from October to March.

Bohemian Waxwing

Bohemian Waxwings are widely distributed in the forests of North America, Europe  and Northern Europe. They are about eighteen centimetre long birds. These birds have grey brown body with yellow streaks on their wings and tails.


Swallows are small birds having dark glossy blue back and a red throat. These birds are mostly found in the northern hemisphere. Both male and female swallows look alike except that the tail of a female is slightly shorter than a male swallow. Swallows’ nest looks like a saucer. It is lined up with mud, dried grass and feathers. It is made by both male and female swallows. They are mostly seen from March to October.

Where are Swallows Generally Seen?

Swallows are generally seen in both upland and lowland areas. They fly very close to the ground over the river and lakes where there are plenty of small insects.
