
Constellations are fixed patterns of stars in the sky. They are usually seen in groups and have recognisable shape. These stars stay in the same position and shape. As if they are moving from east to west. Though the stars in a constellation  may seem to be at the same distance from the earth but some of them may be only few light years away whereas some may be thousands and thousands of light year away.

How many Constellations are there ?

The Greek astronomer and geographer Ptolemy listed 48 constellations in his book Almagest. These constellations depicted figures from the Greek mythology. Later in much recent times 40 other constellations in the sky. Each showing  a definite pattern such as human sea creatures etc and are named after the names of animals and people.


Crux or the Southern cross is the smallest constellation while hydra is named after the Greek goddess and has a head of a serpent
