

The earth is the third planet from the Sun. It is made up the water, rocks and soil.

Nearly two-third of the earth is covered with water except the polar regions with has only soil ice. The rest of the planet have land masses and different continents.

It is the only planet, which support life, thus, it is considered to be a special planet.

Seasons On The Earth

The axis of the earth is tilted at an  angle of 23.5c from the vertical planet. The tilt on its axis and revolution round the sun causes the change in seasons. When the north side of the earth faces the sun, its experience summer season and the south side  of the earth is far away from the sun and experience winter season. When the earth moves around the sun none of the hemisphere is tilted towards its autumn spring seasons occur.

How many days does the earth take to make one complete orbit ?

The earth takes 365.25 days to make one orbit, around the sun . As it moves along its orbit it also spins on its axis in 23.9 hours. When the earth spins, one side of the earth faces the sun thus experiencing the day and the other part, which remains dark experience night.


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