Space Probes

Space Probes

Space probes carry everything that is needed by astronomers during a mission. These probes complete their work in three basic steps. Firstly, it studies the target, then it acts as an orbiter and at last it lands on the target. Pioneer 10 and 11 were the first probes to visit the outer Solar system. They were especially designed to travel in the space. Most of the space probes use solar cells to produce electricity from the sunlight Pioneer  10 and 11 travelled so far that the solar cells failed to work and thus nuclear power generator were used in order to make electricity. The Rosetta space probe has two parts ‘The Lander craft’ and ‘ The Orbiter’.It will study the comet in detail and bring information about it.

First Liquid Fuel Rocket 

Robert Goddard, an American rocket pioneer, was the first one to invent the first liquid fuelled rocket. He launched the first liquid fuel rocket in 1926.

Hubble Telescope
Hubble Telescope was launched on April 24,1990. It was named after an astronomer Edwin Hubble. This telescope can see things more clearly than any other telescope. It is an orbiting reflecting telescope built to send dates from space to earth through radio waves.
