The Moon

The moon

Moon is one of the brightest objects seen in the night sky. Though it has no light of its own, it shines, because it reflects light from the sun. It is the only satellite of the earth. One half of the moon is always lit by the sun while the other half  always remains in dark. The moon rotates very slowly on its axis thus the same side of the moon always faces the earth.

Phases of the moon

When the moon moves round the earth, it slowly changes its shape. This it slowly changes its changing its shape. This phenomena of changing its shape is called phases of the moon. Though it is believed that the moon changes its shape but in reality, as it rotes slowly round the earth, the sun rays fall on the different parts 

leading to the formation of its different phases known as : full moon half- moon, first quarter and last quarter moon.

Surface  Of   The Moon

The surface of the Moon is entirely covered with craters. There are large dark patches all over the moon, which people once thought to be the seas but later it was discovered that these seas were formed by the impact of meteorites that hit the moon form space. 
